Volume 1 – First in the series
Covering the period from 15 June 1969 to 28 July 1970
Reflections on 102 topics including:
Peter’s betrayal
Jesus and Veronica
The return of the lapsed
The Holy Eucharist
I am the Lord your God
The Way, the Truth and the Life
Conditions for following Jesus
- Author: Mamma Carmela Negri
- Publisher: Divine Mercy Apostolate
- Imprimatur: Archdiocese of Melbourne
- Cover: Softcover
- Pages: 176 pages
Volume 2 – Second in the series
covers the period from August 1,1970 to March 30, 1971
Reflections on 80 topics including:
- The gift of the Cross
- The fruits of the Rosary
- The glory of the Saints
- Matrimony, road to sanctity
- At my school
- Water into wine
- The just man
- Author: Mamma Carmela Negri
- Publisher: Divine Mercy Apostolate
- Imprimatur: Archdiocese of Melbourne
- Cover: Softcover
- Pages: 180 pages
Volume 3 – Third in the series
covers the period from April 2, 1971 to September 12, 1971
Reflections on 74 topics including:
- His resurrection is a pledge of yours
- Pray for the priests
- The holy hour of reparation
- In the footsteps of Padre Pio
- I am the Queen of the world
- Whoever finds me, finds light
- Prayer and penance
- Author: Mamma Carmela Negri
- Publisher: Divine Mercy Apostolate
- Imprimatur: Archdiocese of Melbourne
- Cover: Softcover
- Pages: 180 pages
Volume 4 – Fourth in the series
covers the period from September 12, 1971 to January, 1972
Reflections on 73 topics including:
- I want to come to your home
- I brought you the Rosary
- In memory of the dead
- To Jesus the King give your souls
- I am the Mother of holy hope
- To the doctors
- I am the Mother of God
- Author: Mamma Carmela Negri
- Publisher: Divine Mercy Apostolate
- Imprimatur: Archdiocese of Melbourne
- Cover: Softcover
- Pages: 160 pages
Volume 5 – Fifth in the series
covering the period from 1 February 1972 to 31 May 1972
Reflections on 62 topics including:
- Faith saves you
- A programme for Lent
- The Law and the Prophets
- The sacrament of Confession
- Holy Week
- Be holy
- Mother’s day
- Author: Mamma Carmela Negri
- Publisher: Divine Mercy Apostolate
- Imprimatur: Archdiocese of Melbourne
- Cover: Softcover
- Pages: 180 pages
Volume 6 – Sixth in the series
covering the period from 4 June 1972 to 12 November 1972
Reflections on 62 topics including:
- I am the Ark of the Covenant
- The law of forgiveness
- Work for the Kingdom of God
- You have had a threefold call
- I am Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament
- The Rosary is a gift of love
- Do not let death frighten you
- Author: Mamma Carmela Negri
- Publisher: Divine Mercy Apostolate
- Imprimatur: Archdiocese of Melbourne
- Cover: Softcover
- Pages: 168 pages
Volume 7 – Seventh in the series
covering the period from 14 November 1972 to 28 March 1973
Reflections on 56 topics including:
- The life of the Christian is a service
- My Jesus must live again in you
- Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life
- Gold, incense, and myrrh
- Wisdom, prudence, and patience
- Common sense
- The strength of prayer
- Author: Mamma Carmela Negri
- Publisher: Divine Mercy Apostolate
- Imprimatur: Archdiocese of Melbourne
- Cover: Softcover
- Pages: 180 pages
Volume 8 – Eighth in the series
covering the period from 1 April 1973 to 4 September 1973
Reflections on 63 topics including:
- To the young
- In preparation for Holy Week
- The sacrament of Confirmation
- You have to be in the world but not of the world
- The virtue of obedience
- I am Our Lady of the Snow
- For the glory of God
- Author: Mamma Carmela Negri
- Publisher: Divine Mercy Apostolate
- Imprimatur: Archdiocese of Melbourne
- Cover: Softcover
- Pages: 176 pages
Volume 9 – Ninth in the series
covering the period from 5 September 1973 to 31 December 1973
Reflections on 65 topics including:
- Bring me souls
- I am the House of Gold
- The whole world is yours
- Why one goes to Purgatory
- I want to free you from every slavery
- I give you the means to sanctify yourselves
- The gift of motherhood
- Author: Mamma Carmela Negri
- Publisher: Divine Mercy Apostolate
- Imprimatur: Archdiocese of Melbourne
- Cover: Softcover
- Pages: 180 pages
Volume 10 – Tenth in the series
covering the period from I January 1974 to 19 April 1974
Reflections on 67 topics including:
- Sign of contradiction
- The Eucharist is a gift of love
- I am the Mother of Divine Grace
- To each one Jesus entrusts the Head of the Church
- The mysterious water of grace
- Every good tree gives good fruits
- The mystical body of Christ
- Author: Mamma Carmela Negri
- Publisher: Divine Mercy Apostolate
- Imprimatur: Archdiocese of Melbourne
- Cover: Softcover
- Pages: 176 pages
Volume 11 – Eleventh in the series
covering the period from 23 April 1974 to 26 September 1974
Reflections on 68 topics including:
- Come, but bring me everyone
- I ask you for prayer and penance
- You must stick to the divine Laws
- In preparation for the feast of the Sacred Heart
- What is the will of God
- You must have patience
- In search of truth, united to the Pope
- Author: Mamma Carmela Negri
- Publisher: Divine Mercy Apostolate
- Imprimatur: Archdiocese of Melbourne
- Cover: Softcover
- Pages: 160 pages
Volume 12 – Twelfth in the series
covering the period from 27 September 1974 to 28 January 1975
Reflections on 70 topics including:
- What are the people saying about you?
- The Rosary is the remedy for impending evils
- God is the author of every good
- The example of St. Cecilia
- The consequences of sin
- In preparation for Christmas
- The threefold gift of the Magi
- Author: Mamma Carmela Negri
- Publisher: Divine Mercy Apostolate
- Imprimatur: Archdiocese of Melbourne
- Cover: Softcover
- Pages: 176 pages
Volume 13 – Thirteenth in the series
covering the period from 26 January 1975 to 16 May 1975
Reflections on 84 topics including:
- I grieve over many children
- The presentation of Jesus in the Temple
- The scourging of Jesus
- Joseph was the wise man
- The death of Jesus on the Cross
- The descent of the Holy Spirit
- Today the Church celebrates Catherine
- Author: Mamma Carmela Negri
- Publisher: Divine Mercy Apostolate
- Imprimatur: Archdiocese of Melbourne
- Cover: Softcover
- Pages: 176 pages
Volume 14 – Fourteenth in the series
covering the period from 18 May 1975 to 15 September 1975
Reflections on 85 topics including:
- Who is the Holy Spirit?
- The call of God
- The precious gift of speech
- You are the mustard seed
- You must aim for Heaven
- The voice of the conscience
- Every day they die unprepared
- Author: Mamma Carmela Negri
- Publisher: Divine Mercy Apostolate
- Imprimatur: Archdiocese of Melbourne
- Cover: Softcover
- Pages: 192 pages
Volume 15 – Fifteenth in the series
covering the period from 16 September 1975 to 11 January 1976
Reflections on 79 topics including:
- How to realize the Hail Mary in you
- What the mysteries of the Rosary teach you
- Imitate my sweetness
- In preparation for the feast of Christ the King
- “Do you want to work in my vineyard?”
- The two most important gifts
- Baptism is a priceless gift
- Author: Mamma Carmela Negri
- Publisher: Divine Mercy Apostolate
- Imprimatur: Archdiocese of Melbourne
- Cover: Softcover
- Pages: 180 pages
Volume 16 – Sixteenth in the series
covering the period from 18 January 1976 to 30 April 1976
Reflections on 74 topics including:
- We need to return to the observance of the Commandments
- I presented my Jesus to the Father
- You must try to overcome human respect
- Give us this day our daily bread
- Pride is a grave sin
- The world is held up by the Mass
- Faith is a commitment
- Author: Mamma Carmela Negri
- Publisher: Divine Mercy Apostolate
- Imprimatur: Archdiocese of Melbourne
- Cover: Softcover
- Pages: 160 pages
Volume 17 – Seventeenth in the series
covering the period from 1 May 1976 to 3 October 1976
Reflections on 59 topics including:
- Recourse to Joseph is essential
- The prayer and penance that I ask
- Every soul is worth an eternity
- Make good use of pain
- Be docile sheep
- The wheat and the darnel
- The divine wisdom
- Author: Mamma Carmela Negri
- Publisher: Divine Mercy Apostolate
- Imprimatur: N/A
- Cover: Softcover
- Pages: 178 pages
Volume 18 – Eighteenth in the series
covering the period from 3 October 1976 to 12 January 1977
Reflections on 60 topics including:
- The Rosary is a powerful prayer
- Be the voice of the church
- Be constant in good
- Justice precedes charity
- Live as children of God
- The example of the Magi
- In search of souls
- Author: Mamma Carmela Negri
- Publisher: Divine Mercy Apostolate
- Imprimatur: N/A
- Cover: N/A
- Pages: N/A
Volume 19 – Nineteenth in the series
covering the period from 14 January 1977 to 10 April 1977
Reflections on 59 topics including:
- Hope must never be lacking
- Vigilance, zeal and prayer
- You are my devotees and apostles
- The pains that come to me from good souls
- The conditions for approaching the Sacraments
- Almsgiving, prayer and penance
- You must walk as if resurrected
- Author: Mamma Carmela Negri
- Publisher: Divine Mercy Apostolate
- Imprimatur: N/A
- Cover: N/A
- Pages: N/A
Volume 20 – Twentieth in the series
covering the period from 12 April 1977 to 6 July 1977
Reflections on 57 topics including:
- To a group of pilgrims
- The Church needs you
- It is necessary to repent
- Grace and refined manners
- To believe, to serve and to hope
- John the Baptist, a model to imitate
- The intelligence and the will, God’s gifts
- Author: Mamma Carmela Negri
- Publisher: Divine Mercy Apostolate
- Imprimatur: N/A
- Cover: Softcover
- Pages: 186 pages
Volume 21 – Twenty-first in the series
covering the period from 7 July 1977 to 27 October 1977
Reflections on 70 topics including:
- In memory of St. Anne and St. Joachim
- The Grace of God and Paradise
- Doctrine cannot be manufactured by men
- The Cross, sign and means of salvation
- Do all that good you can
- Imitate my virtues
- I still request prayer and penance
- Author: Mamma Carmela Negri
- Publisher: Divine Mercy Apostolate
- Imprimatur: N/A
- Cover: Softcover
- Pages: 186 pages
Volume 22 – Twenty-second in the series
covering the period from 28 October 1977 to 22 January 1978
Reflections on 62 topics including:
![The Holy House of Loreto](https://divinemercyapostolate-australia.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/MMT-22.png)
- The Beatitudes
- God repeats his calls
- The voice of the conscience
- Reflect on John’s virtues
- In memory of the Holy Innocents
- Jesus Christ is present in the world
- Religion is essential to live well
- Author: Mamma Carmela Negri
- Publisher: Divine Mercy Apostolate
- Imprimatur: N/A
- Cover: Softcover
- Pages: 178 pages
Volume 23 – Twenty-third in the series
covering the period from 24 January 1978 to 28 April 1978
Reflections on 55 topics including: